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 Subject: RE: 2600 carts need pressure to work
Author: Shalroth (
Date:   05-17-2014 22:44


The clarity of your TV output does not depend on the signal level between the CPU and the cartridge. If there's a problem that prevents electrical signals reaching the ROM on the cartridge from the CPU, you won't get a weak video display, there'll be no display at all, because the CPU won't be able to fetch the instructions from the cartridge.

I expect the problem is an electrical one, but i
most likely in the TV modulator. Applying pressure to the cartridge is most likely transmitting the mechanical force to another part of the logic board, where the defect lies.

Buy another 2600. They're not expensive.

 Topics Author  Date
  2600 carts need pressure to work new Adam Crawford 01-23-2014 22:31 
   RE: 2600 carts need pressure to work  Shalroth 05-17-2014 22:44 

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