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 Subject: atari woody VCS "Sunnyvale" for sale + 3
Author: MRAtari (
Date:   04-27-2007 17:52

hi people

well i'm selling an original VCS CX 2600 made in Sunnyvale so the sticker says underneath - it's the 6 switch type in very good condition for it's age of nearly....30 years! (amazing!) comes with 2 original atari joysticks and a pair of paddles and original atari PSU and 3 games: space invaders/combat and pacman

nothing is boxed

all tested and fully working - nothing dodgy!

i'm in the UK and really only want to ship within the UK

i'd like £25 for it but i'm open to offers if that's too high

PM me or reply here

almost forget - if you want pictures i could take some and email them to you......

 Topics Author  Date
  atari woody VCS "Sunnyvale" for sale + 3 new MRAtari 04-27-2007 17:52 

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