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 Subject: RE: MultiTos or NeoDesk
Author: Yves Gablin (
Date:   09-27-2002 13:11

MultiTos is still under copyright.
Mint is not, though. So you can safely start mint. Latest version is actually FreeMint, which can be downloaded from the FreeMint Portal:

The problem is that Multitos is also a AES replacement (drawing windows and such), and a desktop environment (icons...)

The most advanced AES replacement is XaAES
It is still under active development, and is improving all the time :-)

Unfortunately, there is to date no free-software desktop. If you're only looking for a free (money) desktop, then you can still find some, like Thing.

Anything you want, you should find it at the FreeMint Portal.

There is also the problem of starting Mint in the first place. For that you'll need a boot ROM. Today, all Atari (and clones) ROMs are still copyrighted by their owners. Of course it is no problem if you own a real Atari because then you have the ROM... well, in ROM ;-)
But if you want to run Mint on an emulator, then you'll need a ROM file. The only free-software ROM is EmuTOS

For a good free emulator+EmuTOS+FreeMint+XaAES configuration, I recommand ARAnyM


 Topics Author  Date
  MultiTos or NeoDesk new George Givelekis 09-22-2002 22:26 
   RE: MultiTos or NeoDesk new GokMasE 09-23-2002 18:22 
   RE: MultiTos or NeoDesk  Yves Gablin 09-27-2002 13:11 
    RE: MultiTos or NeoDesk new christos 09-27-2002 13:38 
     RE: MultiTos or NeoDesk new ray 11-06-2002 18:47 
    RE: MultiTos or NeoDesk new GokMasE 09-29-2002 19:44 
     RE: MultiTos or NeoDesk new FatRakoon 10-11-2002 02:11 
      RE: MultiTos or NeoDesk new George Givelekis 12-30-2002 22:27 
    RE: MultiTos or NeoDesk new George Givelekis 12-30-2002 22:35 
     RE: EasyMiNT new ProToS 01-04-2003 02:12 
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