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 Subject: What Would Infogrames Have To Do...?
Author: Anonymous (
Date:   06-22-2004 02:29

I'm just curious, but what would Infogrames have to do to have you regain your confidence that it was truly trying to revive the Atari legacy?

Would it be to build new Atari hardware? Computers? Consoles?

Would it be to officially support TOS, MiNT, or introduce new application or programming language software?

Would it be to somehow market "homebrew" console games for the 2600, 5200 & 7800?

Would it be something else altogether different or is Infogrames forever stuck with the label as "A company currently using Atari's name" regardless of what they do?

 Topics Author  Date
  What Would Infogrames Have To Do...?  Anonymous 06-22-2004 02:29 
   RE: What Would Infogrames Have To Do...? new Mike Freeman 06-22-2004 22:06 
    RE: What Would Infogrames Have To Do...? new JC 06-23-2004 21:23 
     RE: What Would Infogrames Have To Do...? new Atari Fan 07-03-2004 04:21 

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