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 Subject: RE: Jaguar broken? What do I do?
Author: AtariOwl (
Date:   02-23-2004 14:12

Its possible the contacts my be dirty

As you know, the jag won't power on without a cart in. If the contacts are dirty then it may think no cart is present and not power on.

Alternatively the PSU you have may be problematic.

If the polarity for example was changed by accident from -'ve to +'ve tip (or vice versa i don't remember offhand which is correct) then the Jag wil have waved byebye.

re: the cable...

The edge connector for the Jag is notr a standard size and is a little difficult to find.

Best place to get an AV cable is or telegames.

 Topics Author  Date
  Jaguar broken? What do I do? new BodyHammeR 02-21-2004 00:38 
   RE: Jaguar broken? What do I do?  AtariOwl 02-23-2004 14:12 
    RE: Jaguar broken? What do I do? new BodyHammeR 02-24-2004 20:16 

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