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 Subject: Exchange, buy and sell Jaguar games
Author: MacFalcon (
Date:   05-16-2005 14:48


I own two pieces of the following games, so I am willing to exchange them to the games I miss, or sell them if s.o. is interrested:

Cartridge games I own twice:

- Alien Vs Predator (complete and in box (3 overlays of course included)) 40 EUR
- Atack of The Mutant Penguins (Boxed) 15 EUR
- Bubsy (complete) 10 EUR
- Cybermorph (Cartridge + Manual) 5 EUR
- Dino Dudes (complete) 15 EUR
- Flip Out (boxed) 12 EUR

- Protector SE (complete)
SE= including Jagfree CD and BJL
70 EUR

- Raiden (boxed) 15 EUR
- Rayman (boxed) 45 EUR
- Super Burnout (complete) 25 EUR
- Tempest 2000 (boxed) 20 EUR
- Val D´Isère Skiing and Snowboarding (boxed) 15 EUR

CD games I own twice:

- Baldies (without box and overlay, but in cd-case) 10 EUR
- Battlemorph (complete in cd case) 15 EUR
- Blue Lightning (complete) 15 EUR
- Hover Strike unconquered Lands (complete in cd-case) 15 EUR
- Myst - Vollversion (complete in cd-case) 10 EUR
- Vid Grid (complete) 20 EUR
- World Tour Racing (complete, also with box) 30 EUR

we can speak about the EUR prices. It would be the same in US$, but I would prefere exchanging with the following games:

- Air Cars
- Brutal Sports Football
- Doom
- Double Dragon V
- Dragons Lair CD
- Fever Pitch Soccer
- Fight For Life
- Flashback
- Hyper Force
- I-War
- Inernational Sensible Soccer
- Missile Command 3 D
- Painter
- Pinball Fantasies
- Ruiner Pinball
- Soccer Kid
- Theme Park
- Troy Aikman Football
- Ultra Vortek
- Wolf 3D
- Zoop

I also search everything special for the jag, demos, prototypes and jagware... please make an offer!

All countries welcome, EU or oversea, I don´t care... (I am from Germany)



PS: email to
I am not a dealer, just collector!

 Topics Author  Date
  Exchange, buy and sell Jaguar games  MacFalcon 05-16-2005 14:48 

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