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 Subject: New Jag game from Froggies !!
Author: GT Turbo (
Date:   07-20-2005 13:25

Hi everybody,

I belong to a french Atari crew called : Cerebral Vortex Software Devellopement (Old title : Cerebral Vortex !) we have done some soft on Atari ST (Tiles Osmosis, a puzzle game, you can found on our website :, some demos : Jade, Mental Deflagration, French Kiss (96K DHS online compo),..... Now we have open a forum for the devellopment on Jaguar, this website can be find here :

For the beginning some news are in French, but we've got a English forum for people who wants to ask in English and if enough english user come, why not translating some articles !!

You can find a little preview of our next product on Jaguar here :

This is a demo from our 8 players Poong on Jaguar, there is'nt ball i know, it's only a try, you must got a Bjl for running it. I haven't tried my video init in 60 Hz so if the screen isn't center it's normal !!!

GT Turbo (C.V.S.D.)

 Topics Author  Date
  New Jag game from Froggies !!  GT Turbo 07-20-2005 13:25 

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