Author: Matthias (
Date: 08-03-2006 12:02
I never run previous versions of your
Elite-project, so i am not sure if this
update worked, because i simply don't know
what to expect:
The ZIP and its content (the README.TXT and
the PRG-file) are dated August 2, 2006,
but the PRG is called Frontier20060713.PRG.
Is this a simply mistake in the naming of the PRG?
I have uploaded it using BJL, and "something" started which looks like a 3D-Demo (or title-animation), but the screen is mainly
composed in dark and light blueish vertical
stripes. This seems to show that the screen-output for this program is _not_ changed from ST-like plane-interleaved to Jaguar-like pixel-interleaved output, is this correct? The number of 40 stripes supports this somehow.
Anyhow, congratulations on getting such
a program working on the Jaguar! :-)
Best regards