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 Subject: RE: Essential Lynx Games ?
Author: Wesley Worthen (
Date:   09-12-2002 08:23

Those are wonderful suggestions, as they all are great games. I would definitely add to the must have list:

Qix - Great arcade conversion, which is quite addictive, despite the slightly cumbersome control
Robosquash - Pong! In 3D!! Nuff Said!!!
Joust - The absolute best conversion of this arcade classic. Hours and hours of endless fun (and ComLynx capable!)

Hope this assists you in your search for Lynx titles! If you are a true Lynxer, you would go for them all! I have 79 so far!

 Topics Author  Date
  Essential Lynx Games ? new mahen 08-24-2002 01:13 
   RE: Essential Lynx Games ? new asteroid 08-27-2002 14:37 
    RE: Essential Lynx Games ?  Wesley Worthen 09-12-2002 08:23 
     RE: Essential Lynx Games ? new Vorn 10-08-2002 18:05 
      RE: Essential Lynx Games ? new stsurvivor 10-13-2002 14:33 
       RE: Essential Lynx Games ? new teki 09-19-2003 21:44 

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