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Author: Matthias (
Date:   02-06-2004 18:02


chris_lynx1989 wrote:
> we shall all see what a great release this
> possibly may be some day down the road here
> in the states. no news of songbird or anyone
> else having this yet here. makes me wonder if
> it is really coming at all. no new news is
> coming from lynxers in germany or europe at
> all. did we all have a false alarm on this as
> a coming title?--the lynxer

As far as i know the cartridge is in production, the Beta-test was stopped 2 days before Duranik announced the release.
Just keep in mind that sending stuff to the US will take its time nowadays, even getting "gift"-stuff _from_ the US takes about a week.


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                  RE: ALPINE GAMES RELEASE NEARS new chris_lynx1989 02-08-2004 08:07 
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      RE: ALPINE GAMES RELEASE NEARS new Matthias 01-31-2004 17:02 
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