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Note that this is definitely more than just a Jaguar event, we expect lots of Lynx, 2600, etc. gameplay and displays as well. Songbird will be attending with a large collection of merchandise and unreleased Lynx games for play!


From: Dan Loosen <>
Date: Fri Apr 27, 2001 7:51 am
Subject: Jagfest Updates Galore!

Hello everyone,

This is Dan from the GOAT Store ( I've been really out of it between two jobs and trying to set up all the details for Jagfest 2K1, but here is a quick rundown of what has been announced. If you would like any more details about Jagfest 2K1, just visit the GOAT Store!

Protector SE to feature picture of
Jagfest 2K1 Attendees
Songbird Productions, in conjuction with the GOAT Store unveiled plans to offer a special limited edition run of the Atari Jaguar game Protector to the attendees of Jagfest 2K1: Beyond Tempest. The new version will contain the original intense space shooter, but will feature a group photograph of everyone that attends Jagfest 2K1 in the credits section of the game as well as gameplay tweaks and other special features.

Jagfest To Give Over $700 Dollars In Prizes
The GOAT Store today announced that sponsors for Atari Jaguar Festival 2K1: Beyond Tempest have donated over $700 dollars worth of merchandise to be given away at the event. The donated merchandise will be given out as tournament and door prizes. The largest prize donorations were received from Llamasoft and Telegames.

Be on the lookout for more announcements about Jagfest in the next few weeks! Also, if you are interested in helping distribute flyers in the Southeastern Wisconsin or Northern Illinios areas, please contact me at

Hope to see you at the 'Fest!


 Topics Author  Date
  JagFest 2001 in Milwaukee on June 30th! new Carl Forhan 05-04-2001 19:14 
   RE: JagFest 2001 in Milwaukee on June 30th! new okiyasu 05-07-2001 18:05 
    RE: JagFest 2001 in Milwaukee on June 30th! new Carl Forhan 05-07-2001 18:40 
     RE: JagFest 2001 in Milwaukee on June 30th! new okiyasu 05-13-2001 20:01 

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