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 Subject: Limited Edition CyberVirus at CinciClassic!
Author: Songbird (
Date:   10-04-2001 17:03

October 4th, 2001

For immediate release:

ROCHESTER, MN -- Songbird Productions recently announced its support for the upcoming CinciClassic gaming event with the news that a limited edition version of CyberVirus would be available at the show.

Only 20 units of this limited edition game will be made. The game will include eight missions, at least two of which will not appear in the future general release of CyberVirus. Both the cartridge label and opening screens will indicate this is the special CinciClassic version.

"I've been making good progress on the CyberVirus source code just in the last month or so," noted Carl Forhan, founder of Songbird. "Then I found out that CinciClassic was on for this year, and the timing seemed perfect to support the show and get a fully playable sneak preview of the game out there to Lynx fans.

Craig Maloney, co-organizer for the event, commented, "We were very excited to showcase a pre-release version of Protector for the Atari Jaguar in 1999, and this year we are thrilled that Songbird is offering a CinciClassic special edition of CyberVirus for the Atari Lynx."

CinciClassic will be held in Cincinnati, OH, on November 9-11. For all the details on the event, please visit

Songbird Productions is the premier developer and publisher for the Atari Lynx and Jaguar. To keep up to date with the latest news at Songbird Productions, be sure to visit the company web site at

CyberVirus is a trademark of Songbird Productions. All rights reserved. This message may be reprinted in its entirety.

 Topics Author  Date
  Limited Edition CyberVirus at CinciClassic! new Songbird 10-04-2001 17:03 

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