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 Subject: Anyone want some cheap lynx games?
Author: yonnyboy (
Date:   10-28-2002 05:57

I'm tired of trying to sell my games on ebay. They just won't sell, and they're blocking my doorway to my closet. Can I just sell anyone my lynx games. I bought like 50 lynx games from a store that was closing down near my house and no one will buy them. I have 25 copies of Crystal Mines 2 and 25 copies of Kung Food. These games are in the factory sealed containers that they've been in for 5 years now. They're of course US games. If anyone wants to contact me at, I can send you a copy of each one. Name your price. Just get them away from me.

 Topics Author  Date
  Anyone want some cheap lynx games? new yonnyboy 10-28-2002 05:57 
   RE: Anyone want some cheap lynx games? new Steve Stupple 10-28-2002 18:16 
   RE: Anyone want some cheap lynx games? new Nick 01-21-2003 17:20 

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