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 Subject: RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question
Author: Elliot (
Date:   06-09-2003 21:32

Specificly assembled or compiled bits of code are mode for 030, 040 and 060. Some examples are Mint, NVDI, etc.

Surly this would be the best option with people normally only wanting to use current apps anyway, I am sure people would re-compile them.

For the ones that can not be doen then maybe the (partial) Emulation is required. Or maybe a translation program, i.e. pre-emulate the code ("Cold Fix" the software to coin a frase), I understand this would not work 100% and may need some low level manual hacks but once done it is done for ever.


 Topics Author  Date
  off-beat/off-topic compatability question new Kevin (Ch0pSt1x) 06-09-2003 07:41 
   RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question new replicant 06-09-2003 17:55 
    RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question new Johan Klockars 06-09-2003 18:57 
     RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question new tero 06-09-2003 19:17 
      RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question new Johan Klockars 06-10-2003 09:43 
      RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question new Cliff 06-11-2003 00:19 
    RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question new tero 06-09-2003 19:05 
     RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question new replicant 06-09-2003 22:42 
      RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question new tero 06-10-2003 17:37 
      RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question new Cliff 06-11-2003 00:22 
     RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question new Adam Kliobukowski 06-10-2003 18:22 
    RE: off-beat/off-topic compatability question  Elliot 06-09-2003 21:32 
   RE: transmeta new replicant 06-09-2003 22:45 
    RE: transmeta new earx 06-10-2003 14:38 
    RE: transmeta new tero 06-10-2003 16:52 
     RE: transmeta new replicant 06-10-2003 17:17 
      RE: transmeta new tero 06-10-2003 17:42 

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