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 Subject: CT60 causes problems with sound
Author: Alex F. (
Date:   03-14-2007 18:31

Hi there,

I plugged my CT60 into my studio-Falcon recently and am now experiencing some serious problems;

All "usual" software works without any problems and very fast, too.
But I noticed that there isn't any sound from the headphones-output anymore.
I have a FDI+Analog8 connected, but with the CT60 connected, neither ACE MIDI nor any other software recognizes it.
There is only some rustling noise from the Analog8 outputs (and only at 33 KHz, at 50 KHz it's dumb).
I checked if this may bei a failure of the FDI and connected a CAC instead - which isn't recongized by any software, too. (no 44 KHz frequency available)

So far, so good (eg.bad).
Today I switched the CT60 off again by jumpering.
The result: the Falcon starts in 030-mode, everything seems to be fine, but the problems with DSP/sound as written above remain unaffected.

By the way, the DSP works; the DSP-JPEG-viewer works fine in 060 and 030 mode and ACE initializes the DSP without problems (at least it says so ;-) ).

I would be very very thankful indeed for a solution of the problems as this Falcon is very important in my studio (as I make use of ACE MIDI very frequently).

Bye, Alex

 Topics Author  Date
  CT60 causes problems with sound  Alex F. 03-14-2007 18:31 
   RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new stimpy 03-14-2007 19:10 
    RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new Alex F. 03-14-2007 20:02 
     RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new stimpy 03-14-2007 23:17 
      RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new Alex F. 03-15-2007 00:23 
       RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new Alex F. 03-15-2007 13:54 
        RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new Peter 03-15-2007 15:36 
         RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new Alex F. 03-15-2007 16:34 
          RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new vulgar 03-16-2007 20:33 
           RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new Alex F. 03-17-2007 10:51 
            RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new Peter 03-17-2007 11:07 
             RE: CT60 causes problems with sound new Alex F. 03-17-2007 11:35 

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