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 Subject: RE: 8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon
Author: The Paranoid (
Date:   07-02-2007 21:41

It's very likely that SysInfo will not detect the RAM on the
Magnum Card as "FastRAM" so it'll list it as ST-RAM, which
is the standard on the Falcon.
Depending on your Auto-Folder programs and your screen
resolution and colour depth, 3MB of free ST RAM are very
likely. SysInfo will simply try to allocate the largest chunk
of ST RAM available and it only gets 3MB, so it'll respond
that you have only 3MB free while the 8MB Magnum-based
FastRAM stay untouched.

Why is that ?

TOS sports a MALLOC function to allocate memory and the
file-flags you can manipulate with the FLAG.PRG allows you
to set for each program whether to allocate ST-RAM or, if
available, FastRAM. Programs do not necessarily run from
FastRAM so chose the flags carefully.
Ever since the TT, TOS also sports an MXALLOC function that
can allocate ST- or FastRAM on a "must" or "optional" basis -
Then the programmer of your application is in charge of
selecting the RAM to be used for different purposes.

Most of the TT-compatible applications use MXALLOC,
which is independant of the fileflags, but many Falcon
applications will not support FastRAM by themselves,
so you have to set the fileflags accordingly.

Hope that helps a bit.

The Paranoid

 Topics Author  Date
  8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon new d0us 06-27-2007 20:17 
   RE: 8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon new lp 06-28-2007 16:33 
   RE: 8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon new The Paranoid 06-28-2007 21:43 
   RE: 8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon new Gerry 06-28-2007 21:53 
    RE: 8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon new d0us 06-29-2007 15:48 
     RE: 8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon new The Paranoid 06-30-2007 01:09 
    RE: 8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon new pedro 06-29-2007 22:06 
     RE: 8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon new Christos 06-29-2007 22:22 
      RE: 8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon new d0us 07-02-2007 16:00 
       RE: 8mb magnum fastram upgrade for falcon  The Paranoid 07-02-2007 21:41 

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