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 Subject: RE: MEGASTORE-30 questions....
Author: elliot (
Date:   07-05-2000 21:55

I would think that it is SCSI, I have a Supra 30Mb HD which I took apart and put a 400Mb SCSI (Maxtor I think) in its place.

The partitions are probably because of an early TOS version that would only support 12MBs or something or whoever did it in the first place was just sad.

The OS is limited, it only loads what is needed so the HD software would be somewere else (maybe on a floppy or on the drive). I have drivers for the Supra but most people go for HDDriver or whatever it is, I have never used it but I think it supports CD-ROMs, large partitions and other such things, I do not think it is free but it is only £30 or so System Solutions sell it.

As for them not working together it may simple be that they are on the same ID, look under the Supra and see if there is a switch with counter, simply changing this to something else may work. If not try and find jumpers on one of the drives to do the same.

As for the files I think that the OS will try and find COMMAND.COM if there is not OS in ROM but I could be very wrong, the other files I do no think so. It couold be that someone had the drive for a PC emulator or something (look at the content of the .bat and .sys files, they should give the origin of the them).


 Topics Author  Date
  MEGASTORE-30 questions.... new 82-T/A 07-05-2000 08:55 
   RE: MEGASTORE-30 questions.... new houdini 07-05-2000 20:52 
   RE: MEGASTORE-30 questions....  elliot 07-05-2000 21:55 

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