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Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   09-19-2007 14:06

I am usure if it does anything myself either?

I am tryign to check out the schematics on the 12887A+ and according to that, its an address line.


Being an impatient so and so that I am, I have been toying about with the Falcon still and it does not seem to be affecting the way the Falcon works at all ( I say seem carefully here )

But, It is keeping the time and date just fine, it seems to be keeping most of the CT63 settings ( Although I cannot get it to check for IDE0 before IDE1 still ) and the year is still way out, but then, thats somethign we have had to put up with since day 1

I have been able to pull a little at the leg, and my plan is ( or was ) to solder a small wire from the leg, and wrap the wire around the board to the back, and solder it to where the leg should have popped out, but so far, I dont seem to be having issues caused directly by that.


The CT63 is still giving me grief, and the errors are all ADDRESS or ACCESS errors.
Could they be part of the problem with the NVRAM? - I doubt it.
I am now in talks with CRUCIAL, and because I have bee na good customer with my PCs and Crucial, they are sending me an SDRAM pack, which contains each and every type of SDRAM from 64 to 256MB and I can send the ones that I dont use back to them.

This will undoubtedly either cure my RAM issues, or prove for once and for all that the CT63 really does have a problem with my Falcon.

Ok, im waffling again.

Thanks for the reply mate.

 Topics Author  Date
  NVRAM CHIP - VERIFY PLEASE new FatRakoon 09-17-2007 12:49 
   RE: NVRAM CHIP - VERIFY PLEASE new FatRakoon 09-18-2007 03:39 
    RE: NVRAM CHIP - VERIFY PLEASE new ToasT 09-18-2007 20:55 
     RE: NVRAM CHIP - VERIFY PLEASE  FatRakoon 09-19-2007 14:06 

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