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 Subject: MEGA ST with dual TOS - need software? Compo LTD?
Author: MrAtari (
Date:   07-02-2008 22:43

hi guys

i have a mega st which when i opened it i found it has dual TOS

it's original 1.04 and TOS 2.06

the 2 tos 2.06 chips are in a small board that goes over the CPU

but! i have no idea how to switch between the 2??

it runs fine but only in it's original tos 1.04

how do i switch to tos 2.06??

there are no jumpers on the board and no switch on the machine

the board is made by COMPO SOFTWARE LTD from 1992

could it be software switchable??

any help appreciated thanks :0)

 Topics Author  Date
  MEGA ST with dual TOS - need software? Compo LTD?  MrAtari 07-02-2008 22:43 
   RE: MEGA ST with dual TOS - need software? Compo L new Anthony Green 07-04-2008 14:50 

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