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 Subject: RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen
Author: GWiz (
Date:   07-04-2008 01:34

Yes I have a Vga monitor running in Hi res on a 1040 STe with a SH205 hard drive. On drive access the screen shows a light dotted line (many across the screen).
It's only really noticeable when loading/saving, and then only when looking at the screen at less than 30cm. Please remember the long term viewing postion is 4 times the diagonal of the screen. If you can still see it then and it causes a great problem? Hopefully TOS loads and you can still use your software.

 Topics Author  Date
  MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new Chandler 05-30-2008 22:19 
   RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new ToasT 05-31-2008 16:49 
   RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new Phil 06-01-2008 06:50 
    RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new GWiz 06-01-2008 22:18 
     RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new Chandler 06-01-2008 22:51 
      RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new Chandler 06-01-2008 23:04 
       RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new Anthony Green 06-02-2008 15:11 
        RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new Chandler 06-02-2008 17:18 
         RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new Anthony Green 06-03-2008 11:56 
          RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new GWiz 06-03-2008 16:08 
           RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new Chandler 06-30-2008 16:16 
            RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen new Anthony Green 07-01-2008 05:04 
             RE: MEGA ST vertical lines on screen  GWiz 07-04-2008 01:34 

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