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 Subject: RE: gcc 2 vs 3 & 4
Author: Patrice Mandin (
Date:   08-09-2008 22:53

I currently built gcc 4.3.1 using Vincent's patches, because I plan to write a C++ program, so I need it. Vincent did a very good job improving and updating previous gcc patches.

So I'm now compiling any libraries I would need with it. The files generated with gcc 4.3 is bigger than with gcc 3.x. But I don't know if it is because there is more info stored in .o files or not.

As an example, SDL goes from 280KB (gcc 3.3) to 350KB (gcc 4.3.1). I still did not compiled a program, so maybe this bigger size is not due to the generated code.

I'll tell more when I have compiled a complete program, and not only object files or libraries.

 Topics Author  Date
  gcc 2 vs 3 & 4 new Knez 08-06-2008 23:58 
   RE: gcc 2 vs 3 & 4 new Miro Kropacek 08-07-2008 10:56 
    RE: gcc 2 vs 3 & 4 new Knez 08-07-2008 11:22 
    RE: gcc 2 vs 3 & 4  Patrice Mandin 08-09-2008 22:53 
     RE: gcc 2 vs 3 & 4 new PeterS 08-12-2008 14:43 
      RE: gcc 2 vs 3 & 4 new Patrice Mandin 08-14-2008 19:15 
       RE: gcc 2 vs 3 & 4 new Knez 08-14-2008 19:56 
        RE: gcc 2 vs 3 & 4 new Miro Kropacek 08-15-2008 10:59 

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