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 Subject: RE: Dual floppy drive units on STFM...?
Author: Paranoid (
Date:   04-12-2014 21:49

Alright, after having re-read your posting a couple of times,
it took me a while to figure out that this is what you seem
to want to know:

Will an external drive be recognized as A: when no internal
one exists ?

The answer is: No.

This has got nothing to do with any TOS internal variables
you might have read about. In all STs with internal drive,
the wiring is different to ones without. As a result, the
splitting into drive A: and B: is inside the STf or STfm and
not available on the external connector at all.
("Atari Profibuch ST/STE/TT", Auflage 12, Seite 955,
Sybex Verlag 1991)

The Paranoid / Paradox

 Topics Author  Date
  Dual floppy drive units on STFM...? new shalroth 04-12-2014 04:27 
   RE: Dual floppy drive units on STFM...?  Paranoid 04-12-2014 21:49 
    RE: Dual floppy drive units on STFM...? new shalroth 04-13-2014 19:12 

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