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 Subject: Magic & CT63
Author: Rakoon (
Date:   10-22-2022 19:37

I know I must have done something, but I just cannot work out why?

I have Magic v6.2 and I have done the RAM file and I am using the 060 boot ProG and it was working just fine until about a month ago.

I have no issues in 030 mode and it seems to work just fine, but when I try to use it in 060 mode, I get 3 bombs and a SYSTEM FAILURE ERROR.

I dont know what the hell I have done?

Anyone offer any clues to try?

In 060 mode I use CuBase Audio Falcon ( The 060 Version of course ) and it works absolutely spot on, but I just cannot get Magic running?

 Topics Author  Date
  Magic & CT63  Rakoon 10-22-2022 19:37 
   RE: 0 new Hanno Sanders 05-22-2023 08:16 
    Ok? new FatRakoon 12-13-2023 06:03 

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