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 Subject: Re: STe at 16MHz
Author: The Paranoid (
Date:   10-12-2001 10:41

There was a very simple 16 MHz speeder for the Atari STE which was based on just feeding the CPU a 16 MHz clock and fixing the DTack-signals for reliable data transfer.
I think it was from Uwe Skulimma, but i'm not sure. It was published in an issue of ST Computer, if you want me to i can somewhen have a look.

It is, like Evil said, impossible by software.
Besides that, overclocking an 68000 is absolutely senseless without speeding up the bus. Only register-internal operations will gain from the 16 MHz clock and memory access will stay as slow as before. In most programs you will not detect any speedup at all, only benchmark programs will detect any changes at all.

This is also the reason why the Mega STE and every 16 MHz CPU-speeder has a 16KB 2nd level cache at 16 MHz so the CPU doesn't need to access the bus all the time.

The Paranoid

 Topics Author  Date
  Re: STe at 16MHz new The Redeemer 10-11-2001 17:49 
   Re: STe at 16MHz new Anders Eriksson 10-11-2001 19:20 
   Re: STe at 16MHz  The Paranoid 10-12-2001 10:41 
    Re: STe at 16MHz new stimpy 10-14-2001 21:37 
     Re: STe at 16MHz new The Paranoid 10-15-2001 09:23 
      Re: STe at 16MHz new Flash 10-15-2001 13:21 
       Re: STe at 16MHz new stimpy 10-16-2001 00:02 
      Re: STe at 16MHz new Lyndon Amsdon 10-16-2001 00:00 
       Re: STe at 16MHz new The Redeemer 10-16-2001 12:37 
        Re: STe at 16MHz new stimpy 10-16-2001 19:33 
         Re: STe at 16MHz new The Redeemer 10-17-2001 09:39 
          Re: STe at 16MHz new stimpy 10-17-2001 23:16 

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