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Hi all, I have CT2 which I'm trying to use with ethernec to access internet but it seems that ethernec won't run with it...there is no communication between ethernec and falcon in CT2 mode (STiNG doesn't read its MAC at all, magicnet doesn't work,etc)...In stock Falcon mode everyting works fine without changing anything so I guess this is bus speed issue since CT2 increases bus speed (I also had problems with Midex connected to cartridge port in CT2 mode, which worked fine in stock mode)...Did anybody have similar experiences and is there a way to fix this? thnx

 Topics Author  Date
  CT2 and ethernec new cruzito 12-19-2007 18:55 
   RE: CT2 and ethernec new Peter 12-19-2007 19:19 
    RE: CT2 and ethernec new cruzito 12-27-2007 19:12 
     RE: CT2 and ethernec new Peter 12-28-2007 14:21 
      RE: CT2 and ethernec new vulgar 01-23-2008 02:41 

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