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 Subject: Copy protected disk project
Author: Jorge (
Date:   12-14-2004 13:11

Project for handling ATARI copy protected disk.

The project is a package of tools for:

- Imaging copy protected disks.
- Writing back the images to a physical disk
- Using the images with a real computer with a SIO2PC cable.
- Using the images under emulators.
- Public preservation tools.

I am m seeking beta testers with the following requirements:

- A fair number of *original* copy protected disks.
- A minimal technical knowledge. You don't have to be an expert,
but you can't be a beginner.
- A PC running Windows
- Recommended a SIO2PC cable connecting the PC to a real Atari.
This is not mandatory, but highly recommended.
- Plus anyone of the following hardware:

- A Happy 1050 drive connected to the PC with a 1050-2PC or Prosystem
- A PC with a Catweasel card and a 5.25 drive.
- An Atari ST with the Discovery Cartridge and a 5.25 drive.
- A parallel port Disk2Fdi cable with the registered version of
DISK2FDI software, plus a 5.25 drive

The above hardware is not a requirement for using the software. But it
is for participating in the beta. Only one of the above is needed. The
capabilities of the imaging tools vary depending on the hardware.

Those active in the ST scene might have seen I recently partially released Pasti. This project is similar in functionality to Pasti,
but of course it is for the Atari 8-bit.

Those interested and meeting the requirements please contact me by email


 Topics Author  Date
  Copy protected disk project  Jorge 12-14-2004 13:11 
   RE: Copy protected disk project new Jim 02-12-2005 01:54 
   RE: Copy protected disk project new NageNad 02-14-2005 04:47 
   RE: Copy protected disk project new teka 02-21-2005 04:11 

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