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 Subject: RE: Copy protected disk project
Author: NageNad (
Date:   02-14-2005 04:47

I can assist you with the 8-bit stuff, but never got into the ST end of things. I have years of experience on the 8 bits and recently got them all back out and have been buying more items. I just ordered an SIO Pro kit. I have plenty of copy protected disks and a happy 1050 drive.
I've used a few emulators and have been recently using Atari800Win Plus. There are many games I would like to be able to run on my laptop emulator. I still think the 8 bits were the best.. so many fond memories. Now if I could only find my old ICD MIO board.

 Topics Author  Date
  Copy protected disk project new Jorge 12-14-2004 13:11 
   RE: Copy protected disk project new Jim 02-12-2005 01:54 
   RE: Copy protected disk project  NageNad 02-14-2005 04:47 
   RE: Copy protected disk project new teka 02-21-2005 04:11 

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