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 Subject: RE: Basic compiler and word processor for 800XL?
Author: Wes Hinsley (
Date:   07-29-2009 18:47

Actually, there were a few compilers for the Atari 8-bit. The best is probably Turbo Basic, which is backwardly compatible with Atari Basic, but runs much faster, and adds a load of very useful things too. It comes with a compiler.

Download here: - but to get it onto an Atari floppy may take a bit more work... I'm less sure how to do that, but I bet there are people who know...

 Topics Author  Date
  Basic compiler and word processor for 800XL? new Krys 05-16-2009 21:42 
   RE: Basic compiler and word processor for 800XL? new Lyverbe 05-19-2009 19:22 
   RE: Basic compiler and word processor for 800XL? new Rorshack 05-21-2009 05:19 
   RE: Basic compiler and word processor for 800XL?  Wes Hinsley 07-29-2009 18:47 
   RE: Basic compiler and word processor for 800XL? new dwhyte 07-30-2009 19:45 

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