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 Subject: RE: PC ---> ATARI ST
Author: Steve Stupple (
Date:   09-28-2000 07:51

Ok! you're trying to decompress a file. Is your Atari system a single floppy only?

If so then I may be able to help.

Most coverdisks are formatted 10 sectors per track and 81 tracks (0-80). and they are pretty full. So trying to unarchive a file from the disk to the same disk will NOT work.

You can format an extended format using Fastcopy, if you so desire, and format it 10 sectors per track and end track 81 (I don't like going above 80). you can then run DC Format and just select the MS-DOS option!

If you have a 1+ machine, you can create a RAM disk and copy/move the compressed program over to it, or decompress to the RAM disk.

You could always buy the cover disk if I have it available. the price 25p each plus postage:)

 Topics Author  Date
  PC ---> ATARI ST new Bertl 09-08-2000 23:05 
   RE: PC ---> ATARI ST new Steve Stupple 09-10-2000 10:02 
    RE: PC ---> ATARI ST new KEITH 09-27-2000 10:35 
     RE: PC ---> ATARI ST  Steve Stupple 09-28-2000 07:51 
   RE: PC ---> ATARI ST new Ed Shepherd 09-17-2000 18:26 
   RE: PC ---> ATARI ST new Shalroth 10-27-2000 05:19 
    RE: PC ---> ATARI ST new sunday 10-29-2000 02:19 

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