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 Subject: RE: Impossible (hope not ;-)
Author: Jack Thornburgh (
Date:   01-09-2001 12:47

This is an old message, but maybe you will check it out sometime.
I do not know anything about "impossible". The Translator xl program was used to convert the operating system of the xl machines back to the old 800. This was required to run some programs where the programmers didn't use safe memory addresses. Those which were stated by Atari theat would never change. Boot the translator disk, then insert your program disk and press select. The best dos for use is either Sparta dos 3.2 or Mydos 4.5. However atari Dos 2.5 is what was most commonly used. Contact me for any other questions. I have a large amount of hardware and software left over from our disbanded users groop. "WACO"

 Topics Author  Date
  Impossible (hope not ;-) new marko 12-03-2000 07:37 
   RE: Impossible (hope not ;-)  Jack Thornburgh 01-09-2001 12:47 

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