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Hey all. I am trying to get my 8-bit BBS software copied off to my PC. I no longer have a Happy or US doubler in my 1050 so I thought I would try to read them via a PC 5 1/4. I have had some luck getting one side done, but haven't figured out how to get the other side! I was one of those people that punched the side of the floppy to use both sides. :)

Can you get both sides with a PC, or do I need to get a Happy board for the 1050.

Also, the copy of DeAna I have found only works with maybe that rules out ANAdisk. I had more luck using Myutil and copying files to the PC one at a time. I haven't quite figured out how to get them to my ATRs, but I am sure it can't be that bad.

I am really surprised that these nearly 20 year old disks work! least most of them. Thank God for my good copying programs where I can try 1 sector 500 times.


p.s. Good to see people still interested in this stuff. My wife is wondering what the heck I am doing.

 Topics Author  Date
  Trying to copy SS/DD disks w/PC new Diskwiz (Diskwiz BBS 80s) 12-26-2003 20:44 
   RE: Trying to copy SS/DD disks w/PC new Jim 12-27-2003 02:01 
    RE: Trying to copy SS/DD disks w/PC new Diskwiz (Diskwiz BBS 80s) 12-27-2003 07:55 
     RE: Trying to copy SS/DD disks w/PC new Marco Mollison Sr. 01-01-2004 10:54 
   RE: Trying to copy SS/DD disks w/PC new Marco Mollison Sr. 01-11-2004 17:41 
    RE: Trying to copy SS/DD disks w/PC new Diskwiz (Diskwiz BBS 80s) 01-12-2004 05:46 

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