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 Subject: How far can the Atari XL/XE be upgraded in 2010?
Author: Loyal Atarian (
Date:   01-13-2010 02:42

As time keeps going on I keep wondering several things about Atari 8-bits.

First, when will there be an Atari 8-bit emulator for the PC that is fully usable?

I have dozens of files and programs that still do not work with any current emulator out there, even though they will run fine on a PC.

The reason I ask.. is because of portability. I need to run some or all my Atari 8-bit programs on a portable device.

Secondly, how far can an XL/XE be upgraded to modernity today in 2010? What would it take to get an 8-bit to seamlessly appear to multi-task, run Firefox, yet still look like an Atari 8-bit underneath with full 8-bit functionality?

ANy websites with how far people have gotten to turning an 8-bit into a modern and expandable computer?

 Topics Author  Date
  How far can the Atari XL/XE be upgraded in 2010? new Loyal Atarian 01-13-2010 02:42 
   RE: How far can the Atari XL/XE be upgraded in 201 new mike mitrosky 01-16-2010 05:58 
    RE: How far can the Atari XL/XE be upgraded in 201 new Gwobby 01-21-2010 23:37 
     RE: How far can the Atari XL/XE be upgraded in 201 new Loyal Atarian 02-19-2010 00:54 
    RE: How far can the Atari XL/XE be upgraded in 201 new GWiz 01-30-2010 17:02 
     RE: How far can the Atari XL/XE be upgraded in 201 new Loyal Atarian 02-19-2010 01:05 
      RE: How far can the Atari XL/XE be upgraded in 201 new GWiz 02-22-2010 00:48 
     USB new Ragstaff 06-10-2010 13:30 
      New PC Emulator "ALTIRRA" new 10-01-2010 01:29 

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