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 Subject: RE: Atari Burial - This is the big day
Author: Lyverbe (
Date:   05-18-2014 15:23

They are free to do what they want with the material found, but none of it works. Apparently all cartridges are damaged beyond repair.

Shalroth wrote:
It's a shame everything had to be put back at the end of the day. The 2600 Home Brew scene could have used the Carts and ROM boards!

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari Burial - This is the big day new Lyverbe 04-26-2014 14:20 
   RE: Atari Burial - This is the big day new Lyverbe 04-27-2014 17:35 
    RE: Atari Burial - This is the big day new Shalroth 05-18-2014 07:40 
     RE: Atari Burial - This is the big day  Lyverbe 05-18-2014 15:23 
      RE: Atari Burial - This is the big day new Shalroth 05-19-2014 01:39 
   RE: Atari Burial - This is the big day new Lyverbe 09-12-2014 13:21 
    RE: Atari Burial - This is the big day new Martine Naylor 05-23-2015 21:02 

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