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 Subject: 2600 carts need pressure to work
Author: Adam Crawford (
Date:   01-23-2014 22:31

So, I got me a 2600 recently, and it works like a dream most of the time.

For some reason, video comes in very fuzzy when I turn on the console, the game is just barely visible and far from playable. when I put pressure on the cartridge, it works fine and comes in crystal clear, until I let go again, if I play with it long enough, I can get it to stay, but it's very irritating.

It just seems kind of odd that the video quality is determined by the cartridge insertion. can someone tell me how this is and maybe how to fix it?

 Topics Author  Date
  2600 carts need pressure to work new Adam Crawford 01-23-2014 22:31 
   RE: 2600 carts need pressure to work new Shalroth 05-17-2014 22:44 

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