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 Subject: RE: TOS ROM copyright stuff
Author: Evan Langlois (
Date:   03-31-2005 22:18

Hmm ... I have actual TOS ROMs (the chips) but the computer hit the trash years ago. Are these illegal? Since I'm a previous ST owner I should have a license to use the ROMs however I want, and since I didn't sell the ST, I didn't give up the license .. even though the computer is gone (actually the AdSpeed and an ICD Link and some other stuff I still have - almost a whole computer).

Also, with EmuTOS+MiNT/XaAES+fVDI you can have a whole OS with no Atari copyrights anyway.

 Topics Author  Date
  TOS ROM copyright stuff new Josh 06-02-2004 14:38 
   RE: TOS ROM copyright stuff new acsi 06-03-2004 12:56 
    RE: TOS ROM copyright stuff new Josh 06-04-2004 12:35 
     RE: TOS ROM copyright stuff new DAHstra 06-21-2004 14:40 
   RE: TOS ROM copyright stuff new apostle 06-05-2004 06:40 
    RE: TOS ROM copyright stuff  Evan Langlois 03-31-2005 22:18 

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