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 Subject: RE: hacking a CX-80 trackball
Author: Evan Langlois (
Date:   03-31-2005 22:30

I think I had a couple of these around. Must look for them now! Maybe dig out my Wico Command Control as well and try that.

And as for a resistor, I don't think you can. I believe they are digital devices, normally the insides of old mice and trackballs have a disk with holes in it and a combination of an LED and light sensor shining through the disk makes a pulse as the disk spins. Its completely digital, so acceleration has to be done at the driver/software level.

You should be able to easily hack most of these devices to a PC joystick port as well. I also heard that you can do a simple rewire of an ST mouse to make it work as a PC bus-mouse, but good luck finding an old bus-mouse card - they are usually ISA :/

 Topics Author  Date
  hacking a CX-80 trackball new asteroid 05-08-2004 13:58 
   RE: hacking a CX-80 trackball new Ed Burns 12-20-2004 16:30 
    RE: hacking a CX-80 trackball  Evan Langlois 03-31-2005 22:30 

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