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 Subject: RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation
Author: Shalroth (
Date:   04-26-2007 11:09

Do you even know what Jamma is? It's basically an interface standard for connecting arcade boards to, so that you can guarantee a particular arcade board will work in any JAMMA arcade cabinet.

It's not a machine, it's a standardised connector for carrying audio, video and controller I/O from the cabinet to the board. As far as I know it's an entirely analogue connection.

All the processing is done on the arcade board itself. That way you can have JAMMA games based off Z80, 6502, 68K or whatever. The JAMMA cabinet does have any processing capabilities.

So no, you can't have a JAMMA emulator for the Falcon, or any other machine for that matter. It's impossible.

 Topics Author  Date
  SHARP/SEGA emulation new MR.E 04-25-2007 00:38 
   RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation  Shalroth 04-26-2007 11:09 
    RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new MR.E 04-26-2007 21:23 
    RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new MR.E 04-26-2007 21:23 
    RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 05-03-2007 14:18 
     RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Shalroth 05-04-2007 13:49 
   RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 05-03-2007 14:13 
    RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new mr.e 05-03-2007 21:54 
    RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new CiH 05-04-2007 02:00 
     RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 05-04-2007 09:53 
      RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new CiH 05-05-2007 00:02 
       RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 05-16-2007 11:15 
       RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-02-2007 12:07 
        RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new CiH 07-02-2007 22:01 
         RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new gwiz 07-06-2007 23:01 
          RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-06-2007 23:52 
           RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new gwiz 07-07-2007 00:03 
            RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-07-2007 11:16 
         RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new gwiz 07-07-2007 00:19 
          RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new gwiz 07-07-2007 00:37 
           RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-07-2007 11:16 
          RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-07-2007 11:20 
           RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new CiH 07-07-2007 17:01 
            RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-07-2007 17:15 
             RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new CiH 07-07-2007 17:24 
              RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-07-2007 17:55 
               RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new CiH 07-07-2007 18:50 
                RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-07-2007 20:02 
                 RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new CiH 07-07-2007 23:01 
                  RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-07-2007 23:53 
                   RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new CiH 07-08-2007 00:03 
                    RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-09-2007 17:34 
                     RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new CiH 07-09-2007 18:54 
                      RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-29-2007 16:16 
                       RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 07-29-2007 16:16 
                        RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new CiH 07-29-2007 23:12 
                   RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new ggn 07-09-2007 13:15 
      RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Iggy Drougge 11-23-2007 19:20 
       RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 12-10-2007 18:29 
        RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Mr.E 12-22-2007 14:34 
         RE: SHARP/SEGA emulation new Peter 12-28-2007 14:23 

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