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 Subject: Full-blown Atari 8/16/32bit emulating PC
Author: Tortilla Chips (
Date:   04-25-2009 00:39

I am curious if anyone has constructed a fully working Windows PC (or other) that either boots up as an Atari 8bit, 16bit or 32bit and functions as one, or can emulate any or all these systems within Windows inside of multitasking windows, similar to what VMWARE does?

I would like to see a link of anyone doing this and how they did it!

A PC that runs all Atari platforms to the point where you could slap a Fuji symbol on it. Has anyone done this yet?

What would it take to do this if software can't do it, an add-on card with original/copies of Atari custom chips on it?

I'm surprised no one has done something like this after all these years or even a long time ago.

 Topics Author  Date
  Full-blown Atari 8/16/32bit emulating PC  Tortilla Chips 04-25-2009 00:39 
   RE: Full-blown Atari 8/16/32bit emulating PC new PeP 04-29-2009 22:07 
    RE: Full-blown Atari 8/16/32bit emulating PC new Mulvadi 05-04-2009 03:58 
     RE: Full-blown Atari 8/16/32bit emulating PC new PeP 05-04-2009 11:53 
     RE: Full-blown Atari 8/16/32bit emulating PC new lp 09-19-2009 07:16 
   RE: Full-blown Atari 8/16/32bit emulating PC new Petr Stehlik 09-17-2009 20:16 
    how about Linux + virtual box? new asteroid 10-29-2009 16:43 
    RE: Full-blown Atari 8/16/32bit emulating PC new Galen 04-07-2010 01:32 

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