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 Subject: RE: 100% Atari 8 bit or ST emulator ??
Author: lp (
Date:   02-21-2010 21:18

Its true Atari sold and/or released devkits, and the like. Also leaked documents and so on. However, the actual chip level schematics for the custom chips has never been found. The story is something along the lines, that when Atari closed their doors, the VAX that contained all these things was sold or scrapped or something.

If it was doable it would be done already. :oP

 Topics Author  Date
  100% Atari 8 bit or ST emulator ?? new TenaciousB 08-22-2009 05:32 
   RE: 100% Atari 8 bit or ST emulator ?? new lp 08-24-2009 17:16 
    RE: 100% Atari 8 bit or ST emulator ?? new Loyal Atarian 02-19-2010 01:13 
     RE: 100% Atari 8 bit or ST emulator ??  lp 02-21-2010 21:18 

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