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Last year I finally got my hands on a Jaguar.
It came with a UK PSU, so I had to go out and buy myself one of those 'multi-purpose stabalized' PSU's (I also use it for my GP32).
I experienced some nastyness when hooking it up to a screen ( Philips colour monitor + old vcr so I can use the supplied RF cable).
I get a lot of static noise (screen is fine) and am just able to hear bits of music/fx (only high tones.
I have been searching the internet for a while to seek out how to make a SCART/CVBS cable myself, but what do I use to connect to the Jag's AV-port? Or where can I buy a new cable?
Now, for my problem:
Today I had the canche of hooking my Jag up to the family TV so I could check if the bad noize problem was caused by the vcr.
The Jag refused to power on. After cheking everything over and over (psu connected? psu gets power? psu sends power? game cart slotted in?) I fear for the life of my precious beast.
If anyone can heklp me out, I will be most grateful (and be able to retain from going insane ;)).