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 Subject: Resurrecting my Falcon
Author: Chris Oates (
Date:   03-01-2007 19:56

Hey folks,

I'm trying to resurrect my old Falcon. The hard drive died, and I've replaced it with an ide-CF adapter and a CF card. I can run HDX and format the card, but I can't seem to get the Falcon to boot from the CF card. My Atari Mojo is about 10 years stale, so I'm not sure what to do.

Is there a doc out there on how to get this going? Most of my software is long gone, but there do seem to be archives out there with most utilities...



 Topics Author  Date
  Resurrecting my Falcon  Chris Oates 03-01-2007 19:56 
   RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new The Paranoid 03-01-2007 21:39 
   RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Christos 03-01-2007 21:42 
    RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Chris Oates 03-01-2007 23:28 
     RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Christos 03-01-2007 23:49 
    RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Chris Oates 03-01-2007 23:47 
     RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Christos 03-01-2007 23:50 
      RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Chris Oates 03-02-2007 00:13 
       RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Damion 03-02-2007 11:24 
        RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Christos 03-02-2007 12:30 
        RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Anders Eriksson 03-03-2007 18:48 
         RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Damion 03-04-2007 02:43 
          RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Anders Eriksson 03-04-2007 13:47 
           RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Damion 03-04-2007 22:23 
           RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Damion 03-09-2007 17:04 
            RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Damion 03-10-2007 13:26 
       RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Gwiz 03-02-2007 13:50 

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