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 Subject: RE: Resurrecting my Falcon
Author: Anders Eriksson (
Date:   03-03-2007 18:48

Falcon-TOS can officially use 1GB partions, but 2GB partions work as well (Hddriver says it works but is unsupported).

So Damion, your Falcon too can access 2GB partions.

With MagiC, MiNT or Bigdos, the size of partions is more or less infinite for a TOS system (I forgot the exact size, but I think it's up in the TB numbers). But these partions will be Fat32 or ext2fs.

For the boot partion, the Falcon can be picky as hell. For SCSI drives I've had it boot >512MB partions, but from IDE drives it seems like a bootdrive of <32 MB is to be desired to be on the safe side. Not that it matters much, a boot drive doesn't have to contain anything but some system programs and configs.

Anders Eriksson

 Topics Author  Date
  Resurrecting my Falcon new Chris Oates 03-01-2007 19:56 
   RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new The Paranoid 03-01-2007 21:39 
   RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Christos 03-01-2007 21:42 
    RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Chris Oates 03-01-2007 23:28 
     RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Christos 03-01-2007 23:49 
    RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Chris Oates 03-01-2007 23:47 
     RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Christos 03-01-2007 23:50 
      RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Chris Oates 03-02-2007 00:13 
       RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Damion 03-02-2007 11:24 
        RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Christos 03-02-2007 12:30 
        RE: Resurrecting my Falcon  Anders Eriksson 03-03-2007 18:48 
         RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Damion 03-04-2007 02:43 
          RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Anders Eriksson 03-04-2007 13:47 
           RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Damion 03-04-2007 22:23 
           RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Damion 03-09-2007 17:04 
            RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Damion 03-10-2007 13:26 
       RE: Resurrecting my Falcon new Gwiz 03-02-2007 13:50 

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