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 Subject: RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS
Author: Noah Silva (
Date:   07-06-2000 08:04

68k itself isn't being developed, but a new series, aimed mainly at embedded
uses is being developed, and is largely compatible with 68k, if you add a little software emulation for the more complex 68k commands. (The new chip is 68k based, but is RISC and doens't have all of the 68k commands). What's more, the chip is designed to be upgradable and run at high clock speeds in the future. The chip is called the "ColdFire".

TOS isn't dead, but I don't think it's increadibly usefull either as a main OS to use. MagiC or MiNT+GEM is though, and both are still being updated. I do still think it's great to have TOS in ROM for utility purposes when there is a problem.

I would like to see a version of MiNT or MagiC for amiga though. It has been shown MagiC can easily be ported (look at the mac version)... why not do an amiga version?

If you want a PPC machine to run amiga OS on though, just buy a PPC amiga.

A good question though is should new atari-type machines look towards ppc or coldfire. Mac has had a lot of growing pains going from 68k to ppc. Amiga hasn't because AFAIK, even the PPC amigas still use mainly a 68k. (whereas the PPC macs don't have a 68k and emulate one).

 Topics Author  Date
  Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Mark 07-06-2000 01:15 
   RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new David Barkin 07-06-2000 02:14 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Mark 07-07-2000 01:52 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Evan Langlois 07-26-2000 08:01 
   RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Reddish 07-06-2000 06:43 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS  Noah Silva 07-06-2000 08:04 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Fredrik Olsson 07-06-2000 21:04 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new elliot 07-06-2000 21:36 
      RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Daniel Pettersson 07-10-2000 02:59 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Torbjörn J. 07-18-2000 04:00 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Flash 07-18-2000 07:16 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Evan Langlois 07-26-2000 08:07 
   RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Vido 07-06-2000 20:06 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Mark 07-07-2000 01:49 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new GokMasE 07-11-2000 00:59 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Guess who... 07-11-2000 11:42 
      RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Torbjörn J. 07-18-2000 04:08 

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