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 Subject: RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS
Author: Evan Langlois (
Date:   07-26-2000 08:07

There is no 68080.

The 68060 is the last in the 68K line. It can support up to 60Mhz, however the EC version will go as high as 80Mhz, but that version lacks the MMU. My guess is the lack of the MMU frees up some transistor space so it doesn't get as hot or something.

In either case, the 68060 @ 80Mhz is the fastest the 68k line goes to without being overclocked, and I believe its 120 MIPS at that speed, or around there.

The product is VERY expensive for its performance. The only reason to use it is if you want a fast CPU and you have some old code that can't be recompiled (assembler stuff) but you want it running fast. I would guess thats why NASA uses it - they probably have custom assembler stuff and its cheaper to buy a 68060 than to pay someone to port the code and reconfigure hardware for a new architecture.

 Topics Author  Date
  Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Mark 07-06-2000 01:15 
   RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new David Barkin 07-06-2000 02:14 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Mark 07-07-2000 01:52 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Evan Langlois 07-26-2000 08:01 
   RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Reddish 07-06-2000 06:43 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Noah Silva 07-06-2000 08:04 
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     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new elliot 07-06-2000 21:36 
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    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Torbjörn J. 07-18-2000 04:00 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Flash 07-18-2000 07:16 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS  Evan Langlois 07-26-2000 08:07 
   RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Vido 07-06-2000 20:06 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Mark 07-07-2000 01:49 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new GokMasE 07-11-2000 00:59 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Guess who... 07-11-2000 11:42 
      RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Torbjörn J. 07-18-2000 04:08 

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