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 Subject: RE: MagiC (Off Topic)
Author: lp060 (
Date:   09-23-2008 06:49

Myself, if someone does not maintain the website or respond to e-mails, especially a dealer, I won't send them money via the phone. To me that indicates they don't care. On top of that, the products are EOL (end of life), won't see any updates. Who wants to pay 1980's prices for such old apps? They should lower the prices to reflect the changing times and clear the inventory and remove the pages from the website once and for all.

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari Eagle Project new renegade 09-20-2008 00:31 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new ggn 09-20-2008 07:59 
    MagiC (Off Topic) new informant 09-21-2008 10:49 
     RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new lp060 09-22-2008 03:29 
      RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new FatRakoon 09-22-2008 04:14 
       RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new informant 09-22-2008 19:57 
        RE: MagiC (Off Topic)  lp060 09-23-2008 06:49 
         RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new PeP 09-25-2008 10:22 
          RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new FatRakoon 09-27-2008 17:33 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new informant 09-22-2008 20:55 
    And the Coldfire TOS new informant 09-29-2008 17:55 
     RE: And the Coldfire TOS new PeP 10-06-2008 10:37 
      RE: And the Coldfire TOS new informant 10-06-2008 22:58 
      RE: And the Coldfire TOS new OL 10-24-2008 18:21 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new Scott 09-30-2008 09:48 
   and GEM/GEMDOS port to x86 new Nik 09-30-2008 11:51 
    RE: and GEM/GEMDOS port to x86 new PeP 10-06-2008 10:32 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new PeP 10-06-2008 10:36 
    RE: Atari Eagle Project new Michael Bernstein 10-08-2008 00:03 
     RE: Atari Eagle Project new PeP 10-08-2008 10:11 
      RE: Atari Eagle Project new Michael Bernstein 10-13-2008 15:37 
       RE: Atari Eagle Project new PeterS 10-15-2008 16:58 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new Donovan Kokot 10-22-2008 07:51 
    RE: Atari Eagle Project new Miro Kropacek 10-22-2008 10:46 
    RE: Atari Eagle Project new PeP 10-22-2008 14:15 
     RE: Atari Eagle Project new Donovan Kokot 10-23-2008 15:50 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new x 11-17-2008 22:49 
    RE: Atari Eagle Project new GWiz 11-17-2008 23:38 
     RE: Atari Eagle Project new Christos 11-18-2008 00:59 

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