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 Subject: RE: TFT Monitors on a TT
Author: lp060 (
Date:   11-18-2008 20:10

I would suggest finding some shop that will let you drag your TT in and test some monitors. My assumption is any good monitor that allows stretching of the screen and picture alignment and a decent freq range, should work. Some generic cheapo probably won't cut it, so you are looking at a more expensive monitor. I've also wondered if someone already has such a working setup, since I have a TT as well.

I have a gfx card, which is fully programmable that puts out standard VGA, so that solves my problem so long as I don't want to use any of the old stock modes. But sometimes the old modes are required unfortunately.

 Topics Author  Date
  TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 11-16-2008 08:40 
   RE: TFT Monitors on a TT  lp060 11-18-2008 20:10 
    RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new Fenix 11-19-2008 04:08 
     RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new Shalroth 11-20-2008 14:49 
      RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 11-20-2008 15:30 
       RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new lp060 11-21-2008 19:09 
        RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new jens 11-22-2008 15:39 
         RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new PeP 11-22-2008 17:30 
          RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new jens 11-23-2008 02:41 
           RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 11-23-2008 11:01 
            RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new jens 11-23-2008 17:42 
             RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new lp060 11-23-2008 18:56 
              RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 11-23-2008 20:46 
               RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new LaTeX 12-10-2008 00:00 
                RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 12-10-2008 15:08 
   RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new lp060 12-16-2008 06:57 
    RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 12-17-2008 12:01 

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