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 Subject: RE: TFT Monitors on a TT
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   11-20-2008 15:30

I have absolutely no issues with the Falcon's display, but there should not be as that is still a standard VGA signal isnt it?

The TT however does not give a standard signal ( Im no expert here, I m only going by what I have been told ) its close, but no cigar..

With regards to the TT's ouput, again, I have not come across a monitor that wont display the picture... Its just that getting it to display it properly is a problem.

CRT Monitors have never had an issue for me, only TFT ones.

Then again, have I tried this NEC 15" on the Falcon ? - I dont think I have?

I cant wait for the CTPCI... I think that should solve any such issues.

I will definitely have a chat with a couple of the guys at the local shops about taking the TT in though... Thats a thought that I was considering a while back and there cant be any harm in asking can there???

 Topics Author  Date
  TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 11-16-2008 08:40 
   RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new lp060 11-18-2008 20:10 
    RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new Fenix 11-19-2008 04:08 
     RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new Shalroth 11-20-2008 14:49 
      RE: TFT Monitors on a TT  FatRakoon 11-20-2008 15:30 
       RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new lp060 11-21-2008 19:09 
        RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new jens 11-22-2008 15:39 
         RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new PeP 11-22-2008 17:30 
          RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new jens 11-23-2008 02:41 
           RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 11-23-2008 11:01 
            RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new jens 11-23-2008 17:42 
             RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new lp060 11-23-2008 18:56 
              RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 11-23-2008 20:46 
               RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new LaTeX 12-10-2008 00:00 
                RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 12-10-2008 15:08 
   RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new lp060 12-16-2008 06:57 
    RE: TFT Monitors on a TT new FatRakoon 12-17-2008 12:01 

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