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Hi, I hope someone can help with this question, but is there anywhere listing what simms are compatible with the 1040STE?
Various FAQs say the STE is not fussy.

I read a few FAQ's so I know that they must be faster than 120Ns for 1Mb simms, parity does not matter. I did this many years ago with a 1040STE, cant remember much else about doing it then, but I sold that many years ago too :(

Now I have another 1040STE, my problem is basically that I have loads of 30 pin simms but some have 3 chips on while others have more, I was wondering if that would cause a problem?

Thank you for any help & advice :)

 Topics Author  Date
  STE simm compatibility new BX19RD 01-26-2008 22:57 
   RE: STE simm compatibility new The Paranoid 01-27-2008 14:26 
    RE: STE simm compatibility new BX19RD 01-27-2008 14:31 
     RE: STE simm compatibility new cruzito 02-03-2008 16:00 
      RE: STE simm compatibility new Pamplemousse Mk2 03-29-2009 14:42 

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