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 Subject: An Idea
Author: Steve (
Date:   02-13-2005 20:05

Atari, so far, has only done the following when it comes to "reviving" the Classic side of Atari - (A). Repackage old video games & (B). Make non-expandable "consoles" that have old video games on them.

Not exactly exciting.

Why doesn't Atari take a page from the old Heathkit company? Have them design a simple 8-bit computer system - Nothing fancy, nothing complicated. Then, sell the computer as parts for people to buy & build on their own. Have detailed instructions & educational material on how to build it. For the kids, it's educational. For the adults, it's a throwback. All the software is open-source so people can design & create as much software & sell it as humanly possible.

It's "new" hardware & it's Atari, so it satisfies the group that wants new Atari hardware. It's low cost (or as low cost as developing new hardware can be), so it satisfies the pencil pushers. It's low cost, so it can be bought for kids who are interested in the whole hardware/software bit about the computer industry.

I'm sure there's a huge loophole here somewhere but it's just an idea. Have fun with it.

 Topics Author  Date
  An Idea  Steve 02-13-2005 20:05 
   RE: An Idea new havoc 02-14-2005 01:34 
    RE: An Idea new Dark Willow 02-17-2005 15:08 
     RE: An Idea new Clint Thompson 04-14-2005 11:30 

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