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 Subject: RE: An Idea
Author: Clint Thompson (
Date:   04-14-2005 11:30

That sounds pretty cool actually but sadly it wouldn't happen I don't think.

Atari really does need to do more hardware stuff but it's not Atari so what can you do.
I miss the old Atari...

I want to do hardware.... I love coming up with ideas (new and old) and would love to re-invent Atari with some hot flashy new and old hardware products that may or may not sell well but would stil be very fun. They certainly seem to have the money to 'dabble' around so I don't see what is holding them back aside from the huge profit but that goes with being such a big company (and mostly software related) taking over the original Atari (well, as original as it still is ;)

 Topics Author  Date
  An Idea new Steve 02-13-2005 20:05 
   RE: An Idea new havoc 02-14-2005 01:34 
    RE: An Idea new Dark Willow 02-17-2005 15:08 
     RE: An Idea  Clint Thompson 04-14-2005 11:30 

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